Humble Beginnings

My first camera was small, square, and blue with silver edges. I begged my mom to buy it for me from our scholastic book fair, it came as part of a spy kit. There is no brand name, but it has an 8.79 mm lens that opens up to f2.8. I can’t get the thing to work today, but I still have it on my shelf as a memento.

My second camera was an Olympus FE-280. It was another gift from mom, that was the only gift I wanted for Christmas that year. The camera was very sleek and thin, about the size of a deck of cards. It had a digital touch screen for viewing your shots, and it could even record video! This camera was my key to a lifetime of friendships.


The third camera to fall into my lap was a black Nikon Coolpix L110 on another Christmas morning. It was by far the most advanced technology I had used at this point. I bundled up and ventured into the chilling wilderness every weekend. That winter I discovered a newfound love for nature photography.

As the seasons changed, I found beauty in the world that surrounded me.